Friday, October 14, 2011

Paper Wings Podcast

Paper Wings Podcast: Learn to make & sell your creator-owned comics, graphic novels, picture books & animation!

How do I make a living from my own ideas?

For most visual storytellers, and creative people of all kinds, this is the question of the century.

Led by by Disney character designer Chris Oatley and IDW comics creator Lora Innes, the Paper Wings Team is pursuing answers to this question by covering relevant topics such as:

  • How to craft beautiful and engaging visual stories.
  • How to get attention from big studios & publishers with an independent project.
  • How to grow an audience through technology and social media.
  • How to run a small, creative business legally and profitably.
  • How to make the most of your limited time and energy.

This was all copied and pasted from the Paper Wings website; I figured they can sell it better than me :)

I can't say enough good things about what's going on over at this site and am continually blown away by how much information is so generously shared on the Internet. You can almost call it free art school, not to mention a community of other artists/storytellers to grow with.

If you're a visual storyteller, this site is definitely worth checking out!


  1. PWP is top notch for sure. Chris is brilliant, and make sure that you check out his personal podcast as well.

  2. Yes, indeed! Chris has a lot of great stuff on his podcast as well :)
